Maths PD with Jo Knox

Exploring a lesson based around the book ‘One is a snail, 10 is a crab’. This book gives the children a rich context to learning about making numbers using addition. Each number is represented by feet, e.g. a snail is one, a dog is 4, a crab is 10 so two crabs are 20 etc. 50 is 5 crabs or 10 dogs and a crab. 100 is 10 crabs, or if you are counting really slowly 100 snails. See below for pictures that represent the numbers.

Once you have read the book. I am going to say. What might I see if I see 4 feet. Have pictures of the animals from the book to stick down. They should say dog. How else could we make this number. This will be done as a group.

We have picked 3 kids from our class to sit with Jo as she models this lesson. They are NE children and haven't been at school very long at all!

Jo reading Book to kids:

1 - 1 is a snail. Now they are saying it’s one because how many feet has a snail got? 1. Logan: It doesn't have any feet!

2 - 2 is a .. can you think of anything that has 2 feet? Turn page. 2 is a person, because we have 2 feet.

3 - What number is this? 3 is a person and snail. Shall we count them.. How many feet have they got? 1,2,3. 3 is a person and a snail.

4 - What number is that (Jo hid the number). 4 is a dog because he has 4 feet. Count these together.

5 - is a dog a snail. Why? Because they have 5 feet altogether. Lets count.

6 - Is ? Jo hides picture. 6 is a fly. Lets count the legs.

7 - Is a fly and a snail. Lets count the legs to make sure.

8 - Cover picture revealing a little of it.. What might it be? Spider? Why do you think this? Because a spider has 8 legs? Reveal picture.

9- What might 9 be? A spider and a snail. Shall we check?

10 - What is a crab? 10

20 - Is how many crabs? 2 crabs

30 - Is 3 crabs - or 10 people and a crab

40 - Is 4 crabs - or 10 dogs

50 - Is how many? 5o crabs .. should we count them? 50 legs on 5 crabs. Or 10 dogs and a crab.

60 - 60 feet is how many crabs? 60 - should we check? How many crabs are there? Count the crabs. There are 6 crabs and 60 feet.

Kids are starting to see the pattern. There are 90 feet how many spiders?.. Jo asks.. One of the children says 9 straight away.
Jo gets out modelling book.

I see 4 feet.

I have got some pictures here (same from the book)

Goes through each picture and they say how many feet that picture has.

What picture do you think we would glue dog. Dog .. shall we check .. count the feet. Who wants to have a go at writing the number 4 under the dog.
Could 4 feet look any different? What if I did this .. Sticks down a person. Is that four feet? Kid: No that’s 2. J: Is that 2? No its only 2. What else do we need to add on to it to make it 4?
Logan says let's put down a snail. What are we going to write under the snail?
J puts a + between the 2 and the 1. WHat does this mean? Lets add a fly on the end .. adds up = 9. How many do we want? 4. The fly makes it too much. How many do I want? What can we put there to make it 4?
Puts down the dog. Too many still.

Kid: Another snail. Joe puts snail down. Counts .. how many do we have now? 4

Now starts with the man (2 feet).

J: What is another way we can make 4?

Kid: 2 people.

J: Let's try make 4 another way.  J puts down one snail.

J gets out modelling book. Look at all the different ways we made 4. You are going to have a go on your own now. You are going to have a go as a group to see if you can make 6 feet.

J: Modelling book says I see 6 feet. Stick down a fly.

J: What is a different way we can make 6 feet.

Kid puts dog down. We have 4. We need to make 6. K puts down a person. Count all the legs to check we have 6. Children then write the numbers underneath. Kids writes the 4 and then the 2. J: where should we put the 6? J says aloud 4 + 2 (writes in the plus) writes in equals sign, 4 + 2 = .. where does the 6 go? At the end of our number sentence.

J: We’ve made 6 using a fly. We’ve made 6 using a dog and a person. What is another way we can make 6?

J circles the number 6 on the whiteboard to remind children of number they are trying to make.

K puts down a snail. Then a person. How many feet do we have? 1, 2 3, … K: Let's put a fly down. J: if we put a fly down how many will we have now? 1, 2 3, 4 5 6 7 8 9. Is that too many? Yes, so what else could we put down. Remember we need to make 6. Kids put down another person. Count legs. We have 5. How many more do we need? Kid: 1.

Count 1, 2 3, 4 5 , 6.

J: Let's write the numbers underneath. J: What are you going to write under the snail? Logan what are you going to write under the person? Kid writes 3 under person. Hold on check. How many feet does the person have? Count and check.

At the end of the lesson J goes over what the boys learnt. Today we made 6. How did we make 6?

We could push this lesson into imagine. On the back of my page I have 2 people. How many legs might that be? Kids might start being able to say 4.

We discussed how we could extend this lesson for some of our more able children: Using skip counting, introduction to skip counting, Jo had a good idea for teaching skip counting pronouncing the number you skip count louder than the others, this is something I haven’t done before.

I’ve got an insect + what      = 10 feet.

Had a look at the NZ Maths Website. We split into groups and looked at the Site under these categories
  • Picture Books with Mathematical Content
  • Take This
  • Rich Learning Activities
  • Units of Work

Helen and I looked at the Units of Work - Number and Algebra - Level 1

We did a Plus, Minus and Interesting

P - learning objectives, Lesson plans with teacher dialogue, Printable learning activities  

M - Wordy, some units have a lot more content than others.

I - Copy right around using images from site in our EEs? Should be fine as NZ maths are free resrouces available to all teachers.

Ideas to use from books: Jack and the Beanstalk book -  Silly Jack went for a walk and lost half of his beans. He came home with 6 beans. How many beans might be have left home with?

Dinosaurs -  How many claws would 2 dinosaurs have? Lots of dinosaur books in the library. How many feet would 5 dinosaurs have?

Kids from Year 1 class. J doing same lesson with Book.

J: 1 is a snail. Because it has how many feet? 1
2 is a person. Because it has how many feet? 2
3 is a person because a person has 2 feet and a snail has 1.
What would 4 be? It’s a dog. Why?
5 is a dog and a snail.
Can you think of anything that has 6 feet? Fly
7 is an insect and a snail. K: The snails got one and the fly’s got 6.
What would 8 be? K: Octopus!
What do you think 10 is. A Crab. Count the legs.
J: 30 is how many crabs? K: 3. J: 30 is three crabs or 10 people and a crab. How many dogs would 40 feet be? J: 40 is 4 crabs or 10 dogs. J: How many crabs is 50? 5. You’re right .. or 10 dogs and a crab
60 is how many crabs? 6…. or 10 insects
80 is how many crabs? 8 or 10 spiders
90 is how many crabs? 9 or .. 10 spiders and a crab
100 is how many crabs .. 10. Should we count?
Or if you are counting really slowly. 100 is 100 snails!

I have some animals here - J gets modelling book.

Goes through each pictures - how many legs does each have?

J: Here is my problem that we are going to do together … I see 8 legs.

All of the animals are the same. I might have all dogs, or all spiders.

How could I make 8 legs, using the same

What animals might I see to make 8 legs

K: A spider J: Great lets glue that down

J writes 1 spider under the picture. She then writes x beside 1. What does this mean? J: Times. 1 x 8 = 8

J: Is there another way that we can make 8 legs? What else might we see to make 8 legs

K: 2 dogs. Because 4 + 4 = 8

J writes 2 dogs. 2 x 4 = 8
What does the 2 mean - I’ve got 2 dogs and they each have 4 feet.
J: 8 legs could be one spider. 8 legs could be 2 dogs. Start having a think. What other way could we make 8 using 2 things?



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